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Card Holding Members

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Saved by PBworks
on June 3, 2008 at 8:18:02 am



   <--- Just click that button to make a donation to Librarian Chick for $10+ then we'll add you as an honorary library card holding member!


Once you've made the payment, send an email to stacy@librarianchick.com with "Card Member" in the subject line. Make sure you include the following information:

  • Your name - unless you wish to remain anonymous
  • A link to your website, home page, blog, or resource
  • Any message you'd like to add, up to 100 words
  • A 100x100 image


You will get a follow-up email letting you know when you've been approved and added to the list below.

Note: Information or images portraying questionable or adult content will not be posted.



Card Holding Members

Member Name/Image

Comment (100 words or less)


Learn Mandarin Chinese. Has a free online chinese courses


She Dreams In Digital



A blog about art, technology, science, fractals and much more! The galleries exhibit the traditional and digital artwork of Librarian Chick's own, Stacy Reed. She also gives away lots of freebies like screensavers, wallpaper, and tutorials.



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