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Librarian Chick's Free Book Search - Quickly search for free audio books, text books and eBooks!

Librarian Chick's Learning Center - Search for more free educational information, sites, games and software!


New Additions! Updated 7/26/09


Table of Contents  

Books/Audio books

  • Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts - About 14,000 classic public domain documents from American and English literature as well as Western philosophy
  • Alibris - Over 60 million used, new, and out-of-print books
  • Audiobooks - Download 2 free audio books every day
  • AudioBooksForFree - A collection of free children, fiction and non-fiction audiobooks
  • Baen Free Library - A number of Baen Books in electronic format
  • Bartleby - Unlimited access to books and information online free of charged
  • Bibliomania - Thousands of free e-books, poems, articles, short stories and plays
  • BigWords - Price comparison to find the lowest textbook prices
  • Blue Rectangle - Quick book reviews by real people on video
  • BookBurro - Find the lowest price for that book, or see if it is available at your library
  • Bookbyte - Sell a used college textbook or buy a new or used college textbook at a great price
  • BookFinder- Find over 125 million books for sale—new, used, rare, out-of-print, and textbooks
  • BookFinder4U - Compare book prices at over 130 bookstores for the best price
  • BookLamp - A service that matches readers to books through an analysis of writing styles
  • BooksInMyPhone -Formatted ebooks that you can read from any java enable mobile phone
  • BooksShouldBeFree - Free MP3 audio books you can browse by category
  • Bookyards - Free books, education materials, information, and content
  • ChestofBooks - Free online books on various topics
  • Classic Short Stories - Dedicated to the short story and to those interested in reading light prose
  • Creative Commons Books - A list of works consisting of over 35,000 words that are or have been commercially available in hardcopy and have an ISBN
  • DailyLit - Too busy for books? Read them by email and RSS
  • Digital Book Index - Provides links to more than 128,000 title records
  • DirectTextbooks - Buy and sell your textbooks, search by ISBN and compare competitors prices
  • eBook Hood - An online library of electronic books available in various ebook formats
  • eCampus - Buy and sell your new and used books and textbooks
  • Etext Center - Over 2,100 publicly-available ebooks
  • Fairy Tales Collection - A collection of the world's fairy tales
  • FeedBooks - Made with e-paper devices in mind (Sony PRS-500 & iRex iLiad), Feedbooks is a complete experience for mobile reading
  • FreeBookSpot - The online source of free downloadable ebooks
  • Free Classic AudioBooks - Free audio books in either mp3 format or m4b audio book format
  • Free Curricula Center - Develop and share textbooks, instructor guides, and other educational materials
  • Free Management Library - Complete, highly integrated library for nonprofits and for-profits
  • FullBooks - Thousands of full text free books
  • GetCheapBooks - Buy cheap books & cheap textbooks
  • Getfreeebooks - A site where you can legally download free books
  • Global Text Project - Open content electronic textbooks
  • Gnooks - Discover new writers you will like
  • Google Book Search - Search the full text of books and discover new ones
  • GRE Audio Books - Study for the GRE Literature test with these free audio books
  • HowTo - Access free books, with no registration, no fees, no catch
  • Ink Textbooks - Free textbooks and supplemental content from professors and students from around the globe
  • Internet Book List - A comprehensive and easily accessible database of books
  • ISBNspy - Compare book prices online when you're on the go using this mobile accesible site
  • LearnOutLoud - Over 10,000 educational audio books, MP3 downloads, podcasts, and videos
  • Library2Go - Download best selling digital audio titles 24/7
  • Library Connection - Downloadable audio book catalog
  • LibriVox - Free audiobooks from the public domain
  • LiteralSystems - Free human-recorded audiobooks
  • Litsum - Free literature summaries
  • LookyBook - View, talk about, and buy from a diverse and rapidly expanding collection of picture books

  • ManyBooks.net - Free eBooks for your PDA, iPhone, or eBook reader

  • My Book Buyer - Sell used text books and ship them for free
  • New Free Books - Links to free, legal, complete eBooks still covered by copyright
  • OCLC FictionFinder - Provides access to 2.8 million works of fiction
  • Online Magical Library - A number of ebooks about magic in many cultures
  • Open Text Book - A registry of open textbooks and text book material
  • O'Reilly Open Books Project- A number of Open Books with various forms of "open" copyright
  • Page By Page Books - Hundreds of classic books you can read right now, all absolutely free
  • PaperBackSwap - The source for free paperback books
  • Paper Portitude - From the Grimm fairy tales, to the poems of Robert Frost, find your favorite classics here
  • Planet eBook - Free classic literature to download and share
  • PlanetPDF - Free PDF eBooks Archive
  • Podiobooks - Free serialized audio books, delivered on your schedule
  • Project Gutenberg - The oldest producer of free ebooks on the Internet
  • PublicLiterature.org - Explore and utilize this collection of public domain books,poetry, tutorials and audio
  • Rare Book Room - Some of the world's greatest and rarest books, photographed at high resolution
  • Read Print - Thousands of free books for students, teachers, and the classic enthusiast
  • Sell Back Your Book - Enter the ISBN of the books you wish to sell and get top price for them
  • Squashed Writers - All the books you ought to have read in their own words, but magically Squashed into half-hour short stories
  • Swaptree - Trade your books, DVDs, music or video games for thousands of items that you want for free
  • SwitchPlanet - Trade books, movies, games and music
  • Textbooks - Find the best deals on college textbooks, other books, music and movies
  • Textbook Revolution - Textbooks and select educational resources of all kinds
  • Textbook Superstore - Buy and sell textbooks online
  • The Assayer - One of the web's largest catalogs of free books where users can submit reviews
  • The Book Page - Provides free on-line classic and not-so-well known books, articles and more
  • The Dusty Library - Public domain books, poems and short stories
  • The Free Physics Textbook - This site publishes a free physics textbook in a number of different languages
  • The National Academies Press - Read more than 3,000 books online for free
  • The Online Books Page - Listing over 25,000 free books on the Web
  • The Open Library - A project that aims to provide universal access to all knowledge
  • Universal Digital Library - Access to over 1.5 million books online
  • WhatsOnMyBookshelf - Trade and discover new books to read
  • What Should I Read Next - Enter a book you like and this site will suggest what you could read next
  • Whichbook - Gives readers an enjoyable and intuitive way to find books to match their mood
  • Wikibooks - A collection of open-content textbooks
  • World eBook Library - Combined collections create world class Internet public access to over 75,000 free eBooks and eDocuments
  • Yudu - Read and publish magazines, newspapers, eBooks and more online for free





Class Management/Worksheets

  • 4Teachers - Integrate technology into your classroom with free online tools and resources
  • Apple Learning Interchange - A social network for educators with content ranging from simple lesson ideas to in-depth curriculum units for K-12
  • A to Z Teacher Stuff - Lesson plans, teacher tips, forums for teachers, teaching materials, printable worksheets and more
  • Book A Lesson - Great services to enhance your lesson experience
  • Centre - A free student information system for public and non-public schools
  • Chalksite - A central point for teachers, students and parents to access grades and more
  • ClassNotesOnline - Teachers can keep students and parents up to date on daily work, assignments, homework, and grades
  • Class Set-Up - Virtual layout tool that helps you design customized and effective classrooms
  • CyberSmart - Free student curriculum that helps educators safely harness the Internet’s potential
  • DIGIcation - Class management, free to first 1,000 users at your school
  • Eclipse Crossword - An easy and free way to create crossword puzzles in seconds
  • Engrade - A free online gradebook that allows teachers to manage their classes online
  • Free Educational Teaching Resources - Free games and educational software by Adrian Bruce
  • Free Printable Worksheets - Alphabet, math, science, handwriting, Spanish and more
  • Ggradebook - An open source application for tracking student grades for teachers
  • GNota - A gradebook software used to manage students and automate score calculations
  • Gradefix - Organizes and prioritizes all of your homework
  • HomeSchooler Network - Cver 5,000 innovative lessons, activities, and inspirational articles to help you in your homeschooling life
  • HomeworkStation - Teachers can post homework assignments online for free without any programming
  • HotChalk - An Internet Community for teachers, students and parents with over 3,000 free lesson plans
  • I Love That Teaching Idea! - Practical, teacher-created ideas and resources that you can use in your classroom immediately
  • LAMS - Design, manage and deliver online collaborative learning activities
  • Literacy Center Education Network -  Serving aproximately 1.5 million free lessons a day to children in more than two hundred countries
  • Moodle - A course management system for educators who want to create quality online courses
  • OpenGrade - Software for teachers to keep track of grades
  • Palm Software for Educators - A list of Palm OS software for educators
  • Pics4Learning - Copyright-friendly images and lesson plans for education
  • Primary Resources - Free teaching resources, lesson plans, ideas and worksheets for primary and elementary teachers
  • Rubrician - Links to rubrics for educators, teachers, parents, students and evaluators
  • Schoolzone Resources - Educational resources, events, articles, downloads and more
  • SCHOOPY - Classroom organizer, school homepages, useful resources, and more
  • SimpleSeating - Makes seating charts easier than ever
  • Teachbits - A listing of free resources for teachers by teachers
  • teAchnology - Resources for teachers dedicated to improving the education of today's students
  • Teacher's-Pet - Free software that can transform any text into a fun classroom activity
  • TeachersFirst - a rich collection of lessons, units and web resources
  • Textmapping - Free resources for educators
  • The Educator's Reference Desk - A catalog of educational resources and lesson plans for educators
  • Timesavers for Teachers - Classroom management forms, report card comments, practical teacher tools, worksheets and teacher resources
  • TrackStar - Collect Web sites, add annotations for your students, and you have interactive, online lessons
  • Udutu - A web-based tool which allows users to create highly interactive online courses
  • Yahoo! for Teachers - A place for educators to find, create, and share standards-based classroom materials




Collaboration/Social Networking

  • 4shared - Upload, download and share music, books, video and more with 5 BG of free space
  • Blackboard Scholar - A social bookmarking service customized for education
  • CentralDesktop - Shared workspaces and Web conferencing that let you collaborate anytime
  • CollectivX - Social networking for groups of all types and sizes
  • Connotea - Free social reference management for researchers, clinicians and scientists
  • Edmodo - A microblogging platform where teachers and students can exchange notes, links, files, alerts, assignments, etc.
  • Eduforge - An open access environment designed for the sharing of ideas, research outcomes, open content and open source software for education
  • eHow - More than 100,000 articles that are professionally written with clear and concise directions on how to do things
  • Elgg - A free social networking site for education based on the open source Elgg social networking platform
  • eloops - Online calendar, data backup, project management, and social networking
  • ePals - Communicate with classrooms in 182 countries, and collaborate with teachers around the world
  • First Tutors - Search to find UK private tutors in your area
  • Gimao - Group knowledge and information management
  • GroupLoop - Simple web-based software to organize your group
  • Groupvine - Groups made easy, fun and simple
  • Imagination Cubed - Collaborative drawing tool
  • Instructables - A community for sharing and learning tips and instructions
  • iPeer - Develop and deliver peer evaluations, review and release student comments, build rubrics and progress report forms online, etc
  • Jotspot - Create and share documents, spreadsheets, calendars and more
  • Jottit - Create simple websites and collaboritive blogs that are easy to edit and share
  • KnowledgeForge - A digital open knowledge community that provides the facilities and tools to create everything from textbooks to maps
  • Labmeeting - Scientists can upload, search, organize, and retrieve their research papers and recommend them to colleagues
  • MindMeister Basic - Hold online real-time brainstorming sessions with friends and colleagues
  • OneBigU - Earn money for answering questions posed by other users or donate that money to support a good cause
  • Qipit - Copy and share documents with your camera phone or digital camera
  • Sakai - An online collaboration and learning environment for education
  • Scribd - Upload your documents, share them with others and explore an expanding library of documents submitted by others
  • SpringNote - Collaborate, share files, and create pages with numerous templates and 2 GB free storage
  • Squidoo - A community where you can share your expertise and learn from others
  • Tapped In - Where teachers, librarians, administrators, university faculty, students, and researchers gather to learn, collaborate, share, and support
  • Thinkature - Free unlimited workspaces for real-time collaboration online
  • ThinkFold - Groups can collaborate on ideas, documents, presentations and plans
  • Tutor Hunt - Connecting private tutors and students for free

  • Versionate - Create, edit content and share documents with others
  • Wikiversity - Students and teachers are invited to join the project as collaborators in teaching, learning, and research
  • wis.dm - A social web application for college students and recent graduates, that enables members to promote, learn, share and engage
  • Wridea - Collaborative brainstorm sessions and a place to get your ideas organized
  • ZedZone - A powerful website for communication, sharing files, and/or collaboration for any community or group
  • Zoho - Create, aggregate, and share content with this intensive collection of productivity and collabration applications




College/Student Loans

  • Campus Compare - Compare colleges to find the perfect match
  • Campus Explorer- Find the perfect school for you, search by feild of study, location or degree
  • Chegg - Buy or sell used college books
  • College Budget - A worksheet that will help you develop a printable college budget
  • CollegeBoard - SAT registration, college admissions, and scholarships
  • College-Cram - Interactive Flash learning modules that help students learn
  • College Degree - Find the best colleges that offer online courses and degrees
  • CollegeNET - A search engine that helps you find the ideal college
  • College Planning Calculator - Estimate college costs and compare payment options
  • CollegeView - Free resources to those hunting for colleges and financial aid
  • Comprehensive Degree Directory - A comprehensive directory of degree programs and prospective career information
  • College Student Finance Articles - A directory of articles and information on financial aid for students
  • Direct Textbook - Check textbook prices on your phone via Twitter
  • Education Search - Find schools by location, or area of interest
  • EdSoup - Stop searching for the right colleges… let them find you
  • ePrep - Provides students and parents with expert advice in Test Prep and College Planning
  • eStudentLoan - Compare student loans and apply online
  • FinAid - Financial aid and scholarship guide for parents and students
  • iHaveThatBook - A social networking site where college students can sell, trade or buy books, chat, and socialize
  • MatchCollege - A free website that provides in-depth statistical information regarding colleges, universities and trade schools
  • Medical Assistant Schools - A searchable database of nationally accredited Medical Assistant schools in the US
  • NoteMesh - College students in the same classes can share notes with each other
  • NSLDS - The National Student Loan Data System is the U.S. Department of Education's central database for student aid
  • Peterson's - Prepare for your test, find the right school, explore financial aid, advance your career
  • RN to MSN - A directory of nationally accredited programs offered by more than 470 schools
  • RN to BSN - An easily searchable database of RN to BSN degree programs
  • Sallie Mae - The nation's leading provider of student loans
  • SimpleTuition - Find and compare student loans
  • Talbot's Student Planning - Listings of colleges, universities, as well as financial aid information
  • TuitionU - A community of students, parents, teachers, and professionals that have conversations regarding all aspects of higher education
  • Upromise - Learn how to earn, save, and pay for college
  • Viewpoints Education Reviews - The inside scoop on what you should and should not expect when searching for the right college




Computers and Technology




Culture, Arts and Music

  • Abasoft - Free online music flash games and lessons for all ages
  • AICT - Provides a rich database of images of art and architectural works in the public domain on a free-access, free-use basis
  • Art on the Web - 1,200+ links on art and architecture
  • ArtsEdge - Provides free resources and materials for teachers, students, and arts-based instruction for theater, music, visual arts and dance
  • Berklee Shares - Free music lessons that you can download and share
  • CENSUS of Antique Works of Art - An interdisciplinary research database containing documentation centering on the reception of antiquity
  • Classical Music Navigator - Search by composer, notable works, geographical location, style, form of music or glossary
  • CraftPOP - Popular homemade arts, crafts, hobbies, ideas, and other DIY resources
  • Creativity Portal - Coaches, artists, writers, and professionals sharing their expertise to inspire creative exploration and expression
  • Dolmetsch Music Dictionary - Translations, explanations, definitions and comments on musical terms and words
  • Drawspace - Brenda Hoddinott, artist and art educator, shares drawing tutorials
  • Essentials of Music - Information about classical music
  • Exploratorium - The museum of science, art and human perception
  • Figure Drawing Ebooks - A library of free rare and valuable figure drawing books in PDF format
  • Freebyte Music Zone - A list of free music resources, music software, online music lessons, sheet music and more
  • Great Buildings - The leading architecture reference site on the web with 3D models, photographs and architectural drawings, commentaries, etc
  • Incredible Art Department - Art lessons, resources, galleries and much more
  • Music Education Magic - News, information and resources for music educators and their students
  • Musictheory.net - Free online music tutorials, utilities and downloads
  • Mutopia - Sheet music editions of classical music for free download
  • OnClassical - Quality classical music recordings in WAV format
  • OnlyPencil Tutorials - Tips and techniques for pencil drawing
  • Royalty Free Music - Features collections of royalty-free music for individuals to freely use in personal projects and production
  • Songfacts - Learn song trivia and find out the meaning behind the lyrics
  • Take Lessons - Find a local instructor that teaches music, singing, acting or dance
  • Words of Art - A dictionary of art words, terms and phrases





  • AllWords- Dictionary that allows you to search for words containing certain letters, words ending with and words starting with
  • Alpha Dictionary - Online dictionaries for nearly 300 different languages
  • American Sign Language Browser - An animated American Sign Language dictionary
  • Answers.com - Online dictionary, encyclopedia and much more
  • AskOxford - Free Oxford dictionary resources online
  • Dictionarist - A talking dictionary which can provide translations with pronunciation and sound in over a dozen languages
  • Dictionary.hm - Just start typing and the search results will automatically appear
  • Double-Tongued Dictionary - A lexicon of fringe English, focusing on slang, jargon and new words
  • Drill Dictionary - A free multilanguage dictionary, text reader and vocabulary building tool
  • HowjsayAn English pronouncing dictionary with instant sound
  • HyperDictionary - One search returns results from video, medical, dream, computing, current and vintage dictionaries
  • JaLingo - A free OS independent dictionary application
  • Kids Open Dictionary Builder - A free, open simple dictionary for students to use that anyone can contribute to
  • LookWAYup- Combines a multilingual dictionary, thesaurus, translation, and other handy tools
  • Memidex - A dictionary/thesaurus including extensive cross-referencing, complete inflections, and frequent updates
  • Merriam-Webster Online - Dictionary and word games and more
  • MetaGlossary - Defines over 2,000,000 terms, phrases and acronyms
  • ObjectGraph Dictionary - Search for definitions and terms in classic dictionaries, computer terms, table of elements and thesaurus
  • OneLook Dictionary Search - Search web-based dictionaries for definitions or translations
  • Online Etymology Dictionary - Explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded years ago
  • Pseudodictionary - Slang, webspeak, colloquialisms
  • StarDict - A cross-platform and international dictionary software
  • The Free Dictionary - Free dictionaries, thesaurus, encyclopedias and more
  • Visual Dictionary - Explore the 15 major themes to access more than 6,000 images
  • Visuwords - Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts
  • Wiktionary - A multilingual dictionary with definitions, etymologies, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms and translations
  • WordIQ - Offers search results from a diverse array of dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus, and other valuable resources
  • WordNet 3.0 - This vocabulary helper offers word definitions, antonyms, hyponyms, synonyms, holonyms, attributes, and more
  • ZebraWords - Dictionary, thesaurus, translations and more




Foreign Language

  • American Sign Language Browser - Learn ASL by watching animated demonstrations
  • bab.la - A free collaborative dictionary, language quizzes and a language forum featuring user-generated content
  • Babylon Box - Translate to French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and other languages
  • BBC Languages - Learn a bit at a time in your own time
  • BEOLINGUS - German, Spanish, Portuguese and English translation and dictionary tool
  • busuu - A new concept of language learning through native speaking communities
  • Dictionarist - A free online multilingual and talking dictionary service which can provide translation in
  • eduFire  - A community of people teaching and learning languages through a combination of video, voice and text chat
  • Fonetiks - Online pronunciation guides to 9 varieties of the English language and 9 other languages
  • Free Online Translation - Free text, email and website translation tools
  • French Assistant - Free French language lessons with audio
  • FSI Language Courses - Public domain language courses developed by the US government
  • italki - Language exchange and learning community
  • Language Learning Library - A comprehensive selection of free language learning tutorials
  • Lingro - A multilingual dictionary and language learning site
  • Livemocha - An online language-learning community that offers interactive lessons
  • Selingua - German, Spanish, French and Swedish vocabulary training
  • Teach2000 XP - A private teacher to help you memorize a foreign language
  • Textkit - Learn Ancient Greek and Latin
  • Word2Word - Lessons to help learn one language from another
  • WordReference - Online translation dictionaries




GPA Calculators






  • authorSTREAM - Online PowerPoint presentations and slideshow sharing
  • Awesome Powerpoint Tutorials - Tutorials on how to create text-FX, transparencies, DVD's etc. with PowerPoint
  • Create A Graph - Quickly create graphs and charts
  • Empressr - Create, share and store Flash-based presentations online
  • e-Tutor Graphic Calculator - Graph one or more equations
  • FooPlot - Online plotting utility
  • Gliffy - Create all types of diagrams, flow charts, floor plans, wireframes and more online
  • Incompetech - Free online graph, grid, and lined paper printouts in PDF format
  • Microsoft Photo Story - Create slideshows with special effects using your digital photos
  • PDF Pad - Print graph paper free from your computer
  • PowerPoint Templates for Teachers - PowerPoint resources for educators
  • Preezo - Create professional quality presentations
  • PrintFree - Print free graphs, calendars, forms, cards and more
  • Project Draw - Create custom flowcharts, diagrams and graphs online and share them, export them, or convert to PDF or image
  • Slideshare - Share your presentations privately or publicly
  • Spresent - A free Web-based alternative to PowerPoint
  • ThinkFree - Create graphs, spreadsheets and presentation files online
  • yEd - Quickly and effectively generate drawings and to apply automatic layouts to a range of different diagrams and networks
  • Zoho Show - Online tool to create, edit, publish, and show presentations




Highlighters/Web Annotation

  • Highlighter - This Firefox extension allows you to highlight text on a webpage
  • i-Lighter - The yellow highlighter for the web
  • Jotcloud - Sticky notes for the Web
  • MyStickies - Put sticky notes on Web pages
  • Scrapbook - A Firefox extension, which helps you to save Web pages and highlight text
  • Wired-Marker - A permanent indelible highlighter that you use on Web pages
  • Wizlite - Highlight text on any page on the Internet and share it





  • 50 States - Detailed information about the 50 states and their capitals
  • A Journey to a New Land - A site exploring the first peopling of the New World funded by the Virtual Museum of Canada
  • American Memory - Free and open access to a wide variety of digital records about American history from The Library of Congress
  • Atlapedia Online - Full color physical maps, political maps, key facts and statistics on countries of the world
  • Capitals of the 50 States - Using Google Maps API, this map shows the location for each state capital
  • CountryReports - Cultural, historical, and statistical country information
  • Digital History - An online history textbook
  • Footnote - Discover, interact and share millions sources from a repository of the world's greatest archives of historical documents
  • Geosense - Test your knowledge of world geography alone or against another online player
  • History and Politics Out Loud - A database of multimedia documenting and delivering authoritative audio relevant to American history and politics
  • HyperHistory - A collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented for educational use
  • JetPunk - Fun and interactive geography quizzes
  • Journey of Mankind - A virtual global journey of modern man over the last 160,000 years
  • Internet History Sourcebooks Project - A collection of online resources that are organized by subject, everything from accounting to social sciences
  • MacroHistory - Prehistory to the 21st century with timelines, maps, book summaries etc
  • Maps of War - Maps and animations of timelines pertaining to war
  • NBL Map Center - 200,000 historic maps and 5,000 atlases documenting the evolution of the printed map
  • Perseus Digital Library - An evolving library documenting the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world
  • PolicyMap - An online Geographic Information System that enables users to create custom tables, charts and maps
  • Seterra - A challenging geography program with 70 different exercises
  • TerraClues - An online game using Google technology in which you must find hidden markers placed on the world map by solving a series of clues
  • UNEP/GRID-Adrenal Maps and Graphics Library - Search and explore vast amounts of global and regional data through an interactive interface
  • World Atlas - Maps, flags, geography facts, currency conversion, world clocks and more
  • World Freedom Atlas - A visualization showing the level or human rights, democracy and good governance within countries
  • World History Sources - Reviews describe online primary–source archives, evaluate resources, and provide classroom suggestions




Home Library

  • BookBump - An easy-to-use book manager
  • eLibPro - Manage your book collection in a nice and easy way
  • GuruLib - Catalog your books, DVDs, music CDs, games and software
  • lib.rario.us - A place to catalog your media collection, whether it be books, DVDs, CDs
  • LibraryThing - Catalog your books online and connect with people who read the same things
  • Shelfari - Create virtual shelves to show off your book collection




Kids/Young Adult

  • Ask Dr. Universe - Science questions and answers for kids of all ages
  • Ask for Kids - A fast, easy and kid-friendly way for kids to search online
  • Brain Games - Free access to games scaled to your learning level
  • Cackleberries - A safe place for kids to play educational games online
  • Childsplay - A suite of educational games for young children with additional plugins
  • Creating Music - An online creative music environment for children of all ages
  • Discovery Kids - Videos, games and more for kids
  • DSOkids - The Dallas Symphony Orchestra's magical doorway to a world of musical fun and learning
  • e-Learning for Kids - Free and unlimited use of best-in-class courseware
  • Fact Monster - Atlas, almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia and much more from Information Please
  • Funschool - Fun and educational activities and games for kids
  • GameGoo - Educational spelling and reading games
  • GCompris - An educational software that offers over 50 games and activities for children ages 2 to 10
  • KidPad - A collaborative story authoring tool for children
  • KidsClick - A search tool for kids by librarians
  • Kids Health Galaxy  - An interactive overview of what happens in a hospital
  • KidsVid - An instructional web site that helps teachers and students use video production in the classroom
  • Memoryplay - A fun customizable memory card game
  • National Geographic Kids - Games, videos, photos, stories and more for kids
  • National Geographic Little Kids - Games, videos, photos, stories and more for younger children
  • Owl & Mouse - Educational maps, software, games and activities
  • PBS Kids Go - Fun games and challenges for children
  • Play Music - Learn about symphonies and compose your own music
  • Scholastic - Helping children around the world read and learn
  • Sebran's ABC - Software that teaches letters, numbers, simple math, and rudiments of reading
  • SFSKIDS - A fun site for kids to learn about music from The San Franciso Symphony
  • SmartTutor Freebies - Free educational games and activities for children
  • SpellingCity - Online spelling games that make practicing for tests fun
  • Story Plant - Grow your own story from the story plant
  • Teen Ink - A monthly print magazine, website and book series all written by teens
  • The Young Writers Society - Community forums for young writers





  • Academic Earth - Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars
  • American Rhetoric - Top 100 speeches of the 20th century by rank
  • EdTechTalk - A webcasting network of educators discussing educational technology
  • Education Podcast Network - A wide range of podcast programming to help educators looking for content to teach with and about
  • EduFeeds - A collection of RSS and Atom feeds from around the Higher Education community
  • Fora TV - An on demand multimedia portal delivering spoken words on global issues
  • Free Academic Podcasts - 145 podcasts for your educational pleasure
  • Free University Lectures - Computer science, mathematics, and physics lectures
  • Internet TV Search Engine - Search for webcasts and lectures online
  • Lecturefox - A collection of free university lectures on physics, mathematics and computer sciences
  • Lectures Archive - Lectures catalogued according to discipline, theoretician and topic
  • listeningtowords - Find, listen and discuss free lectures from around the Web
  • MIT World - A vast video archive of lectures
  • PoducateMe - Practical solutions for podcasting in education
  • Pulse-Project - Audio and video lectures for both general and specialised audiences, delivered by eminent academics
  • Scitalks - A very large collection of science lectures on video
  • Ted Talks - Talks from the Technology Entertainment Design conventions
  • University Channel - A collection of public affairs lectures, panels and events from academic institutions all over the world
  • webcast.berkeley - Every semester, UC Berkeley webcasts select courses and events for live viewing and on-demand replay over the Internet
  • WGBH Forum Network  - Archived Webcasts of Free Public Lectures
  • World Lecture Hall - Free online course materials from around the world













  • 100 Words - This is an exercise in disciplined creativity in which you must write exactly 100 words at a time
  • AyeNotes - Quickly take notes online and access them everywhere

  • BibMe - A free bibliography maker that auto-fills
  • Carmen- Easy bibliography and research tools
  • Creative Writing Prompts - Inspiring ideas for writers, bloggers and poets
  • CutePDF Writer - Create professional quality PDF documents
  • EasyBib - A free automatic bibliography composer
  • Essay Punch - An interactive writing tutorial
  • EverNote - Quickly create, capture and organize any type of note
  • FruitNotes - An easy-to-use online notebook to create, organize and share your notes online
  • Go2PDF - Convert any document into PDF format instantly
  • Google Docs & Spreadsheets - Create and import basic documents and spreadsheets
  • Google Notebook - Clip and collect information as you browse the web
  • Great Source iwrite - Everything educators, students, and parents need to make the writing process work
  • Helium - Write, read, rate and earn revenue
  • Jotcloud - Sticky notes for the web
  • Lightning Bug - Helping you write a story from beginning to end
  • My Notes Tiddlywiki - A note-taking and organizational software
  • mynoteIT - Organize your school life
  • NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month
  • Notecentric - A web based note taking application
  • Notepad++ - A free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages
  • OttoBib - Free and easy automatic bibliography generation
  • Paradigm Online Writing Assitant - Resources, advice, articles, writing tools, free blog, forums and more
  • PocketMod - The ultimate note card
  • PrimoPDF - Convert to PDF from any application by simply 'printing' to the PrimoPDF printer
  • Protagonize - An interactive fiction and collaborative story writing community
  • SlapAStory - Write, submit, read and discuss short stories online
  • SnapBits - Securely store, search, sort and easily retrieve “Bits” of information
  • Stikkit - Organize notes and data — share, collaborate and comment on ideas
  • Stickies - Digital sticky notes that can be attached to a web site, document, folder or the desktop
  • Study Stickies - Better understand and remember books (both printed and online), videos, podcasts, online documents, etc
  • SyncNotes - Synchronize your notes and access them online or with your mobile
  • TextWrangler - A powerful general purpose text editor
  • Tinderbox - A personal content assistant that helps you visualize, analyze and share your notes
  • UberNote - Quickly store, manage and access your content from anywhere
  • WEbook.com - An online publishing platform that allows writers, editors, reviewers, illustrators and others to join forces
  • WordCounter  - Use this to see what words you overuse to keep from writing redundantly or repetitively
  • Word Count Tool - Free online tool to count the number of words - just copy and paste
  • Wordie - Lets you make lists of words and phrases that you like or hate
  • Word Spy - Devoted to lexpionage, the sleuthing of new words and phrases
  • Write Street - Ultimate tools and resources for great writers and artists
  • Writer's Digest - Devoted to helping writers develop their craft and hone their publishing acumen since 1920
  • Writer's Resource Center - News, articles, information and opportunities for writers
  • Writing Career - Expert adivce on career training, education and changing careers aimed at writers
  • Writing.com - Create an online writing portfolio with numerous writing tools, email services, and the chance to meet and bond with fresh creative minds
  • Writing Fun - Using text organizers to help students with the writing process
  • yWriter - Free stroy writing software




Online Learning

  • AcademicInfo - Online degrees, online schools and student resources
  • ArsDigita University Curriculum- The curriculum was modeled on the undergraduate CS program at MIT
  • Adult Learn - An aggregator of educational institutions in a diverse array of concentrations
  • BBC Learning - Online learning, support and advice
  • Buddy School - Online tutors in all subjects, thousands of private teachers around the globe
  • Claroline - An Open Source eLearning platform that allows teachers to build online courses and collaborative activities on the Web
  • Connexions - View and share educational material that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc.
  • Critical Thinking Web - Over 100 free online tutorials on critical thinking, logic, scientific reasoning, creativity, and other aspects of thinking skills
  • Curriki - Free user-created, open source curricula
  • dokeos - Build e-courses using templates, Word and Powerpoint documents
  • E-Learning Community - A social online learning network
  • Engineering Degrees Online - Get your Engineering Degree online
  • FREE - Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
  • Free-Ed - Free education on the Internet - no books to buy or hidden fees
  • FunBrain - Fun games for your brain
  • Free Book Notes - A  guide to free book notes, summaries, literature notes, and study guides for over 1600 books, plays, and poems
  • Games for the Brain - Play neverending quiz, memory & brain games to train your thinking
  • GCFLearnFree - The freedom to learn what you want, when you want, absolutely free
  • HippoCampus - Online multimedia and course materials that can help you with your homework and studies
  • Howtopedia - A collaborative platform for practical knowledge and simple technologies
  • Infobarrel - Community contributed information and how-to guides
  • Intaractives - strategies, content, and activities that can enhance and improve students' skills in a variety of curricular areas
  • Internet Archive - Universal access to human knowledge
  • ItrainOnline- A selection of the best and most relevant computer and Internet training resources for development and social change
  • Knol - A site that hosts many knols — units of knowledge — written about various subjects
  • Learning Objects Repository - Access a wealth of teaching and learning materials
  • OEDb - The Online Education Database is your guide to online colleges, continuing education, distance learning, and more
  • Online Colleges and Universities - Links to higher education, certificates and graduate degree programs online 
  • Online Schools - Information and tips to guide you in choosing an online school
  • Qoolsqool - A free and open educational resource for educators, students, and self-learners around the world
  • Quizlet - An online tool for learning vocabulary
  • ResourceShelf - Dedicated librarians and researchers share the results of their web searches for resources and information
  • Skillwise - Factsheets, worksheets, quizzes and games to help improve your skills
  • SoYouWanna - Teaches you how to do all the things nobody taught you in school
  • STARTDL Puzzles - more than 36 different educational puzzles including Anagrams, Word and Number Games, Trivia
  • The Learning Toolbox - Learning resources for parents, teachers and secondary students with learning disabilities and ADHD
  • Thinkfinity - Thousands of lesson plans, educational games and activities from Verizon
  • ThinkQuest - A world-renowned resource for educational sites and web-based lessons created for students, by students
  • Tutorom - Create your own courses, access thousands of lessons, share advertising revenues
  • typeonline - Online touch typing course for motivated individuals looking to develop keyboard skills
  • WebQuest - A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most of the information comes from the web
  • Wisc - Free access to an online learning object repository




Open Source/OpenCourseWare





  • Backpack - Collect, organize, and get things done
  • bubbl.us - Free brainstorming web application with colorful mind maps that you can embed on your web site
  • CmapTools - Construct, navigate, share and criticize knowledge models represented as concept maps
  • CollegeRuled - Your class schedule, class message boards, lists, notes and more
  • Elf - This service will send you email reminders about your library loans and holds
  • Foldera - All about organizing your work
  • FreeMind - Free mind mapping software
  • Google Sets - Automatically create sets of items from a few examples
  • iOutliner - Organize your ideas
  • Mapul - Create completely organic looking mind maps
  • Mayomi - Visually organize thoughts, facts and ideas
  • Mind42 - A browser based online mind mapping application
  • Mindomo - Create, edit mind maps, and share them with your colleagues or your friends
  • RecallPlus Lite - A study-based mind mapping software that tests students on their notes
  • Schedulizer - A tool to help college students plan their academic schedule
  • Spinscape - A collaborative mind mapping software that offers a new way of gathering and managing information
  • SproutLiner - Manage your projects and ideas
  • The Idea Lottery - An idea generating tool to help you discover new connections and solutions
  • Treepad Lite - A personal databas, PIM, organizer, notes manager, text editor and search engine
  • View Your Mind - A visual thinking and planning tool
  • VUE - A content mapping application to help organize, contextualize, and access digital information
  • WiseMapping - Create, edit and access your mindmaps from anywhere over the Web








Quizzes/Test Taking

  • ACT Test Prep - A site for students with information and links to free resources
  • ClassTools - Create interactive educational games and quizzes
  • Cramberry - Cramberry tracks your progress to help with the flash cards that give you trouble
  • ETS - Information about tests with resources for educators, students and parents
  • ExamProfessor - Offer online exams, tests, quizzes, drills and practice
  • ExamToolkits - A complete resource for gaining information on your next exam
  • Learning Vocabulary Fun - Test preparation and vocabulary building made fun
  • Number2 - Free SAT, ACT and GRE test prepation and vocabulary builder
  • QuizMaster Manager - An Open Source project that lets users create, edit and manage quizzes
  • QuizMD - The open collection of practice exam questions created by and for medical students
  • SAT Preparation - A quiz and study guide for the SAT
  • Test Prep Review - A free resource center for test preparation and new exams





  • A Research Guide for Students - All the necessary tools for students to conduct research and to present their findings
  • Abreviations.com - The world's largest directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms online
  • AccessMyLibrary - Free access to millions of articles from top publications available at your library
  • Acronym Finder - Find out what any acronym, abbreviation, or initialism stands for
  • AllBiographies- Search or browse through thousands of biographies on people in a variety of subjects
  • Arts & Letters Daily - A regularly updated listing of articles, books, essays and ideas from The Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Axioma Search - Interactively increase the relevancy and context of your searches
  • BookRags - Over 4 million pages of literature summaries, biographies, literary criticism, essays, encyclopedias, and eBooks
  • Citizendium - An open wiki project aimed at creating an enormous, free, and reliable encyclopedia
  • Cliche Finder- A searchable database of clichés
  • ClichéSite - The largest collection of clichés, phrases and sayings with definitions and explanations
  • Common Errors In English - An extensive list of common errors made in (American) English
  • Complore - A social research tool
  • Confusing Words - A collection of  words that are troublesome to readers and writers
  • Cooperative Research - Conduct grassroots-level research and investigations on any issue
  • Daily Grammar- Free grammar lessons emailed to you Monday through Friday, with a quiz on Saturday
  • Dr. Grammar FAQ - Answers to questions previously asked of Dr. Grammar that may provide help with your grammar questions
  • edocr- A knowledge exchange where users can upload, convert and share documents
  • English Club- Many resources for English educators and students
  • eyePlorer - Visualize facts as well as the relationships between facts
  • Factbites - What do you get if you cross a search engine with an encyclopedia?
  • Find Articles - Free access to millions of articles from thousands of top publications
  • Free/Open Source Research Community - A research community in which information will be freely exchanged
  • FreeLunch - Free economic, demographic & financial data
  • Glossary of Linguistic Terms - An extensive living glossary of linguistic terms
  • Google Directory - The web organized by topic into categories
  • Google Scholar - Broadly search for scholarly literature
  • Greek Gods Family Tree - A unique tree graphing the genealogies of the Greek Gods
  • HighBeam Encyclopedia - Search or browse over 57,000 articles from the Columbia Encyclopedia
  • ibiblio - Conservancy of free information, including software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies
  • INFOMINE - A virtual library of resources relevant to faculty, students, and research staff at the university level
  • Infoplease - Free online reference, research and homework help
  • Internet Public Library - The first public library of and for the Internet community
  • Intute - Web resources for education and research
  • Jim Kalb's Palindrome Connection - A collection of palindromes and links to similar resources
  • JournalistExpress - News and research portal for reporters
  • KartOO - A metasearch engine with visual display interfaces
  • LEO APA Documentation - General guidelines for APA Reference Page Citations
  • LEO MLA Documentation - The system of documentation used in the fine arts and humanities
  • Library Research Guides - Informs you how to use a variety of print and electronic resources
  • LibWorm - A search engine, a professional development tool, and a current awareness tool for people who work in libraries
  • LocalCensus - Free statistical information about the United States of America and all of its cities, zip codes, and counties
  • LoveToKnow Classic Encyclopedia - Based on the 1911 Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • Mendeley - Organize, sync, share and discover research papers
  • Mythography - Presents resources and reference material about mythology including lexicons that explain Greek, Roman, and Celtic terms.
  • Nexplore - A visually engaging, interactive search engine with a multi-media interface
  • Newspaper Index - Free access to newspapers from all over the world
  • NoodleTools - Software that teaches students and supports teachers and librarians throughout the entire research process
  • Open-Site - A free Internet encyclopedia that is edited by volunteers, freely available under the GNU Free Documentation License
  • Paper of Record - Building the world's largest searchable archive of historical newspapers with over 21 million images collected so far
  • Quintura Search - A visual map of tags or hints contextually related to your search query
  • refbase - Web-based, platform-independent, multi-user interface for managing scientific literature & citations
  • Refdesk - Reference, facts, news, search and resources
  • Research Channel - Direct access to the work of researchers who are helping to understand our world and shape our futures
  • Research Matters - Explore Harvard research discoveries as they occur
  • Schoolr - Many types of reference and research tools in one handy location
  • Silva Rhetoricae - Helping beginners, as well as experts, make sense of rhetoric
  • Symbols.net - Directory of signs, glyphs, flags and symbols and their meanings
  • Symbols.com - A searchable index containing more than 1,600 articles about 2,500 Western signs
  • Teachers' Domain - Multimedia resources for the classroom and professional development
  • The Elements of Style - A classic reference book for students and conscientious writers
  • The Free Library - A free, searchable archive that provides access to a daily-updated collection of 4 million articles from classic works of literature and leading periodicals
  • The OWL Family of Sites - Handouts on writing, research, grammar, and MLA and APA, free consultations and more
  • The Phrase Finder - A reference guide pertaining to the meanings and origins of phrases
  • ThinkExist - Finding quotations was never this easy
  • Tools for Reading, Writing, & Thinking - To help students engage in rigorous thinking
  • Viewzi - A visual search engine that provides fun, effective, and entertaining results
  • Webgrammar - Free writing tips and grammar advice
  • Wikibooks - A collection of free content textbooks that you can edit
  • Wikiquote - A free online compendium of quotations from notable people and creative works in every language
  • Wikisource - The free library that anyone can edit
  • World Digital Library - Multilingual site that provides significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world
  • wURLdBook - Navigate, collect, categorize, annotate, clip, archive, find, publish RSS and share information with others
  • Ziipa - A search engine that delivers great content in a visual way that is simple to use
  • Zotero - A Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources





  • Amazing Space - Promotes the science and majestic beauty of the universe for use in the classroom
  • AmphibiaWeb - An online system that allows free access to information on amphibian biology and conservation
  • Animal Diversity Web - An online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology
  • Animal Photos - Creative Commons photos of animals that can be used for web sites, school projects and presentations
  • Animal Search - A family-safe search engine for animal related web sites
  • arXiv.org - E-prints in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics
  • AstroWeb - Astronomy resources on the Internet
  • Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy - 3D images of human anatomy
  • BEYOND - Confronting the big questions of existence raised by scientific advances and facilitating new research initiatives
  • Brain Maps- A collection of annotated, scanned images of serial sections of both primate and non-primate brains
  • Celestia - A free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions
  • Charles Darwin Online - The complete works of Charles Darwin online
  • Eisnteins Archives Online - Online access to Albert Einstein’s scientific and non-scientific manuscripts
  • EOL - Encyclopedia of Life is a  site with a goal to document all species of life on Earth
  • Exploring Life's Origins - A timeline of life's evolution
  • eMolecules - A genuine cheminformatics system that searches for molecules using chemical structure
  • Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight - An Alphabetical Guide to the Living Universe
  • Encylcopedia of Life - An ongoing collaborative to document all species of life on Earth
  • FreeScience.info - Provides more than 1000 free scientific books
  • Free High School Science Texts - Free science and mathematics textbooks for Grades 10 to 12
  • Hubblesite - Discoveries from the Hubble satellite, take a monthly tour of the night sky, and more educational cosmic revelations
  • Light and Matter- Educational materials for physics and astronomy
  • MedlinePlus - Interactive health education resources from the Patient Education Institute
  • NASA - Informative site for kids, students, educators, and researchers
  • NatureServe Explorer - An authoritative source for information on more than 70,000 plants, animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada
  • Nearby Stars Database - A complete and accurate source of scientific data about all stellar systems within 25 parsecs
  • Neave Plantetarium - An acurate, real-time plantetarium you can interact with through your browser
  • NOVA - Video, podcasts, and plenty of information from PBS
  • NSDL - An online library for education and research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics
  • PhET - Free physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations
  • Physics Flash Animation - 88 Flash animations for illustrating physics content
  • Physlets - Flexible Jave applets designed for science education
  • PhysLink - Physics and astronomy online
  • Places and Spaces - Maps designed to help understand, navigate and manage physical places and abstract information spaces
  • Robert Krampf's Science Education Company - Free science videos and experiments
  • SABER - An online, searchable database of astronomy education research
  • Science Toys - Use common household materials to make toys that demonstrate fascinating scientific principles
  • Scientific Commons - The largest communication medium for scientific knowledge products which is freely accessible to the public
  • Scirus - A comprehensive science-specific search engine
  • SciSeek - Science search engine and directory
  • SolStation - Information and software for those interested in astronomy, writing, education, or entertainments related to science or speculative fiction
  • Spacestation42  - Free spacecraft, rockets, satellites, and planet paper models
  • Stellarium - An open source planetarium for your computer
  • The Biology Project - An interactive online resource for learning biology developed at The University of Arizona
  • The ChemCollective - Online resources for teaching and learning chemistry
  • The Fever of 57 - Informational site with free site content for classrooms
  • The Internet Stellar Database - All the dirt on your favorite stars
  • The Vega Science Trust - Broadcasts science programs online for freedge.
  • Tree of Life Web Project - A collaborative effort of biologists from around the world
  • Understanding Evolution - Your one-stop source for information on evolution
  • Vega - An independent broadcaster of informed scientific visual and audio media
  • Virtual Microscope - A NASA funded project that provides simulated scientific instrumentation for students and researchers
  • Visible Body - A complete and fully interactive, 3D human anatomy model
  • WebElements Periodic Table - Award-winning, clickable periodic table
  • WebMD - Award winning authority on health and medicine information
  • World Wind - Zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth 




Video Tutorials

  • 5min Life Videopia - Share your knowledge and watch short video solutions for practical questions
  • BrainPOP - A wide variety of animated movies and interactive educational content
  • Butterscotch - A video site about technology with computer tips and tutorials

  • Expert Villiage - Thousands of how-to and instructional videos from renowned experts
  • Graspr - An online video community that offers high quality instructional content on a wide range of topics
  • SchoolTube - Safe, effective video production and online video sharing
  • ScienceHack - A unique video search engine for science videos
  • Sclipo - A social utility for sharing knowledge and skills through video and webcam
  • SuTree - An index of free video lessons, video tutorials, lectures and how to guides
  • TeacherTube - An online community for sharing educational and instructional videos
  • TrickLife - A how-to video site that provides tutorials submitted by its members
  • VideoJug - Professionally-produced, high definition video content that covers every conceivable topic
  • Vidpedia - The free video encyclopedia that anyone can edit
  • ViewDo - A free online “how-to” video library that allows you to download the content to portable devices





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Sponsors and Donations


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Affordabook - Find the lowest prices on textbooks from over 20 different sellers instantly.


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Project Spaces – Project Spaces allows you to manage, organize, and share documents and files online for easy and secure project collaboration.


Spinscape - A collaborative mind mapping software that offers a new way of gathering and managing information.


ZiiZoo- a tutoring portal where you can find independent, US-based tutors in almost any subject matter, online, ready to help at any time of day, for as much or as little time as you need.


Note: If you would like to find out how you can help keep this free resource available please send an Email or read the FAQ




Copyright © 2006 - 2010 Librarian Chick - Stacy Reed. All rights reserved.


Comments (9)

Lynn Schilling said

at 7:50 pm on Jan 27, 2010

Great organization. Easy to follow.

Karla Downs said

at 7:51 pm on Jan 27, 2010

Wow! there are a ton of resources here. I hope I can find this site again.

Kathy Jurgens said

at 7:52 pm on Jan 27, 2010

There is a LOT of information here!

Darla Hankins said

at 7:52 pm on Jan 27, 2010

So much info... almost mind bogling

Darla Hankins said

at 7:53 pm on Jan 27, 2010

So much info... almost mind boggling

Lora Freund said

at 7:53 pm on Jan 27, 2010

My thoughts...WAY OVERWHELMING! Maybe she could break it down a bit more. Make it a bit user friendly and more pleasing to the eye. I don't think I would spend the time to look through all of it.

Liza Walke-Pollitt said

at 7:56 pm on Jan 27, 2010

Lots of awesome information. I cannot imagine how long that would have taken to create.

Pehchan said

at 7:38 am on Jan 30, 2010

wow!!! this is amazing. Lots of good links at one place with proper description.

mike neilson said

at 7:08 am on Jul 1, 2010

Thanks for precious and informative site.

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